Well I know you all are in a state of SHOCK right now!! I am Finally updating my blog! It is a new goal I Have, which may or may not be reached. We will see :) Since my last post in August we have had lots of exciting things happen! MAggie Started Dance and Pre-school in September! I cant believe how fast she is growing! Also in september we went to California to Celebrate my Grandma Beylik's 90th Birthday! It was such a fun family reunion! Then we went to Disneyland with my Mom and Dad, oh how I LOVE Disneyland!! (what trip to cali isnt complete without a stop at the Happiest Place on earth :) October was full one big surprise, Reggies mom got MARRIED in vegas! So crazy, yet the best thing to happen for her! We love her so much and love Mike!! And of course, lots of halloween fun, with both girls dressed as Hocus Pocus Witches (that is their favorite movie.) I also won the BEST DECORATED TRUNK at our ward Trunk or Treat! YAY Me!! Thanksgiving was celebrated in good ol frezzing cold Idaho with Reggies's SIster Vanessa, of course I had to run the 5k turkey trot in -3 temps :) CRAZY COLD!! We spent the day feasting, then had to do some Black Friday Shopping at Mid-night to Walmart! so too many pictures for this post. I realized that if i blogged more often it would be so time consuming... :) So I decided just to catch you up on Christmas and what happened over that holiday!
The Girls on the 19th sunday before Christmas in their Dressses :)
Celebrated Reggie's 28th Birthday, my mom, dad, sister, and Grandma came to town for the weekend, it was so much fun!

Maggie and Ry Guy :) Christmas Eve
Reggie's Mom married The most amazing guy, Mike in October and we love him!! This is him singing some songs for us he wrote!
Santa made a visit to the Hakes'

Miley did NOT like Santa at ALL!!

Although she was Terrified, She still opened her presents. :)

Maggs loved Santa!

Our Nativity! Maggie was an angel and Miley was a wise woman :)

Our Tree Christmas Morning!
All the girls truly wanted was princess makeup, and boy did they get it! What a fun Christmas, just love that time of year!!