Maggie eating some oreo's Yummy!
Reggie and Me on our way to the Logan Open House, with out the Kids!
Maggie got into my makeup! Doesnt She look beautiful?
Sorry all of my loyal bloggers... Life has been so busy! Before even Halloween my sister in-law had her baby boy Drew, Reggie's Brother Rowdy got married, and This thanksgiving we were able to go to my hometown of Bakersfield and visit with my fam! Unfortunately, I do not have any pictures of that trip! I stayed for over a week and made candy with my sister, mom and grandma, and went to visited my other sister and her family in Ridgecrest! It was such a fun trip! Ever since i have been back, life has been on the go. When I got back, it was up to Logan, UT for Rowdy and Katie's Open House, Then I finally got all of my decorations up (that was dec 7, a little late there.) Visited with Santa at the mall, and just catching up on everything! But this time of year is always so fun. It is always filled with memories, and most importantly, the Savior. Have I mentioned I have not done one ounce of Christmas Shopping?!?!?
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
A little over due
With LOVE Kyla at 7:53 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Too Funny!
Sorry all you twilight fans...but this is too funny!
With LOVE Kyla at 2:24 PM 3 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008

With LOVE Kyla at 10:19 PM 8 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
No Kids Allowed!
Reggie And Me and Miley at Rainbow Bridge
With LOVE Kyla at 9:29 AM 7 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
My next door neighbor and I decided to go have lunch and take the kids to feed the ducks. Although it was a little cold the kids had a blast and Maggie had no fear whatsoever. She scared me few times because I thought she was gonna fall in the water. I tried so hard to get a cute picture of her and Cole, but it didnt work out!
With LOVE Kyla at 8:40 AM 3 comments
I realized that a lot of my posts do not include Miley. So here are just some pics of my sweet baby girl. She is almost 5 months old! I can't believe how fast this summer went by... Doesn't she look just like Reggie.. Thats a good thing right?
With LOVE Kyla at 8:31 AM 2 comments
All by herself!
Maggie decided that she wanted to get herself dressed today! (sorry the pitures are a little blury, my camera is not the best) I just love that little girl so much! I dont go a day without laughing at something she did!
With LOVE Kyla at 8:24 AM 2 comments
Already Reading
Maggies new found favorite thing to do is to look at books. So she decided to sit in her walker and read a book. I didnt get my camera out in time so this was all I got on tape!
With LOVE Kyla at 8:12 AM 2 comments
Sunday, August 24, 2008
It's been a while...
With LOVE Kyla at 6:18 PM 9 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Crazy Life
WOW! So things have been crazy in the Hakes' house! We spent the fourth of July in Bakersfield with my entire family! Yep, All six of us were there! It was a blast. then my niece came and visited us for the week, and tomorrow we are headed off to Flathead Lake, Montana! What a fun summer this has turned out to be! Maggie and Miley are growing like weed and are definitly keeping me busy! I am counting down the days until Maggie goes to nursery (and we might be inactive for the time being :) I am such a terrible mom, i didnt take any pictures of my trip :( so check out my sisters blogs for some! the links are on my pages (The williams and The Hubbles)
With LOVE Kyla at 3:49 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Well a few weeks ago we got a letter from our city to get rid of the weeds (fire hazard). So last saturday we did!
With LOVE Kyla at 9:04 AM 3 comments
Yeah! The weeds are gone! After renting the bobcat, Reggie finished in about 2 hours! More updates on this to come!
With LOVE Kyla at 8:59 AM 2 comments
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sick kids
Miley's new love, her two middle fingers. I took her to the doctor today because she had a cold. Turned out, she has a little ear infection. On thursday we are flying to cali, so I hope that by then her ear infection will be gone and the plane ride wont be to terrible for her! Maggie is also kinda sick she is teething! awww!
I also thought I would throw this picture in. I caught Maggie in the swing with Miley. I just know they are going to be best friends!
With LOVE Kyla at 10:05 PM 2 comments