I don't think that there has been a day where my eyes have not filled up with tears since I have been living here. I usually have a moment to my self where I start to think of my (old) home, friends, family, and my kids little friends, and start to cry, but then they are quickly wiped away by my reality of having to continue to move on and realize this is my new home. I do like it here in Arizona (Everyone here has been so welcoming) but shouldn't I be allowed to feel sad every once in a while?? I feel bad feeling bad. A friend who I miss SO much told me a while ago, just stop and count your blessings. I realized how blessed I am. I have so much to be thankful for, even though I know some days are just sad and lonely, or not what I want them to be, I am blessed.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
My heart Aches
My heart is aching tonight for my friend in my ward, April. She recently lost her sweet boy Caleb. Caleb was born without a brain, but he was put on this earth for a reason. He lived for 7 years! He was full of love and such a sweet spirit, he taught so many people so many lessons, and especially that everyone has the ability to Love. Read Her blog, Wink From Heaven. Please listen to her blog with music on, it really helps you to feel Caleb's sweet spirit. His story has touched so many lives, as I know it will touch yours. Please remember to keep April and her family in your prayers.
With LOVE Kyla at 8:29 PM 0 comments
How many times have I posted about not having camera ?!?!?
And now I have this post to add to the list! I am so angry that I have not had my camera since October!! All my pictures have been captured on my phone or by some one else. Lets count all the milestones I have missed:
-Diesel 3 months
-Diesel 4 Months
-Reggies Birthday
-New Years
-Diesel 5 months
-Diesel Sitting up
-Diesel eating
-Diesel sort of crawling
-Diesel 6 months
and all those other cute moments.
Which makes me grateful for Facebook (and my amazing iPhone.) I am thankful that I can post all the silly/cute things my kids say to me so I have some what of a documentation of my children and I also have a place to post my pictures from my phone :) I feel like such a terrible mom that I dont have very many pictures of Diesel and he is 6 months old!
Marina took a few pictures of Baby D, they turned out adorable!

With LOVE Kyla at 8:03 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 12, 2011
Santa Claus
Saturday our ward had a Primary Activity, and Santa Came for a visit! Can you guess who Santa was??? The second Santa walked in, Miley shouted "Hey, Thats not Santa, that's daddy!" So the girls started telling everyone! luckily the other kids didn't really pay attention :)

With LOVE Kyla at 8:15 PM 5 comments
Saturday, November 5, 2011
I had a Baby!
So many events have happened since I Had Diesel! But before that I figured I should share a lot of what I went thru so I can remember what that sweet little boy put me thru! In May I was about 27 weeks and went to the ER in so much pain, I thought I was going to die! Turned out I had Kidney stones, but there wasn't much they could do about them because I was pregnant. They said I should pass them in a couple of days, well that did NOT happen. I was suffering miserably off and on until the first week of July, so for about 6-8 weeks I felt awful!! It took that long for what ever was in me to get out! I had 2 ER trips and 2 false labor trips that my hubby was not happy about!

Another exciting event that took place was my brothers wedding, (I was also sick at that- I was in the hospital the night before getting a morphine shot!) It was a beautiful event and I couldn't be more happy for Branden and Marina. I take credit for that because I set them up! :)
In July my sweet sister in-laws threw me a darling baby shower, where I felt truly loved and blessed to have such an amazing family. And I was stocked with plenty of boy stuff! :)
Finally on August 5, Diesel Michael Hakes arrived, 7lbs 5 oz, 19 inches at 4:05. It was one of my longer labors, usually after the Dr breaks my water I have the child in about 15 mintues! But it took over an hour for him to come! Turns out he was posterior, so he wasnt dropping. But he came safe and sound. I fell in love instantly and he has had my heart ever since.
I would post pictures but they are on my other computer and I am too lazy to go in the basement and get the cd. IF you are friends with me on facebook, then you have seen lots of pictures of the little guy. (also i left my camera in cali :(
We were able to go on an adult only trip (with the exception of baby D) to Lake Powell! We had a blast!! I am so grateful to Marina for watching my girls that weekend, She was so sweet to take them for me because I had baby sitters bail on me last minute, for good reasons though :)
On October 7, we blessed the little guy and had lots of family come for that as well and I am so grateful for everyone in my family and for the love and support they show Reggie and me. After the weekend of the blessing I went to Cali for 2 weeks to spend time with my mom, sisters and grandma. I left my camera in my moms truck when she brought me back, so I cant post anything from the blessing or the trip.
In october another exciting thing happened, Reggie started his new Business! Its called
MVP Restoration! He specializes in Water damage, mold, fired, and starting to do carpet cleaning. He can also do more if you needed :)
We are selling our house and we have an offer, which is a great blessing in this tough time! We aren't positive where we will end up, but some where in spanish fork or mapleton.
But the what has been hard on me the most is Reggie's Brother Allen and his wife Emily and His moving to Texas and His brother Ben and Callie moved to California :(.. It is going to be a hard change for me but I know that it was for the best for their families and I just hope one day they will come back to Utah!
Here are some latest Pictures that I had on my phone of the kids. Today Diesel is 3 months old! He is so smiley and loves ME!! he gets so sad when i walk by him and dont acknowledge him! He is getting stronger with his head everyday and just brings pure joy to my life! He is my best sleeper so far and will sleep thru the night a lot of the nights! I just love him!
My two favorite guys, watching football... They could
be twins!
My hamburger!
Evan-Werewolf, Miley-Pink Poodle, Kade-Cop, Maggie-Bumble Bee
Pink Poodle
These are the only pictures of Halloween I have, terrible mom. I get some slack the first year of having 3 kids right??
With LOVE Kyla at 5:19 PM 4 comments
Monday, May 23, 2011
Pre-School Graduation!
My baby graduated from her first year of Pre School :(
She is growing up way too fast!
She is so sassy and so smart!
Her teacher just loved her and said she was very popular in her class!
That-a girl maggs!! :)
Her class sang a few songs, it was adorable!
She has some amazing teachers and I am So excited for next year for Pre K!
Cousin Evan also graduated, as well as my soon to be sister in law's little boy, Mason, but they left before we could grab a picture together!
I am Super excited for fall for this little bugger to start her first year of Pre School,
and boy is she so excited!!!
With LOVE Kyla at 1:57 PM 3 comments
Branden Became and Officer!
A few weeks ago, my brother graduation from University of Utah and from the ROTC program .
He became an Officer in the Army!
Go Branden!!
My Brother Nathan flew in from Seattle to swear him into the Army!
So cool, never realized I would have both of my brothers serving
in the Military!
With LOVE Kyla at 1:49 PM 0 comments
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