And now I have this post to add to the list! I am so angry that I have not had my camera since October!! All my pictures have been captured on my phone or by some one else. Lets count all the milestones I have missed:
-Diesel 3 months
-Diesel 4 Months
-Reggies Birthday
-New Years
-Diesel 5 months
-Diesel Sitting up
-Diesel eating
-Diesel sort of crawling
-Diesel 6 months
and all those other cute moments.
Which makes me grateful for Facebook (and my amazing iPhone.) I am thankful that I can post all the silly/cute things my kids say to me so I have some what of a documentation of my children and I also have a place to post my pictures from my phone :) I feel like such a terrible mom that I dont have very many pictures of Diesel and he is 6 months old!
Marina took a few pictures of Baby D, they turned out adorable!

Why can't you post the phone pictures on your blog? Most of the pictures on my blog are taken with my phone.
And those are very cute pictures of Diesel!
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